Welcome to Oldshoes.ca, the home of


The Definitive Minecraft City

Download Broville Here

Broville v11.4.2 for Minecraft 1.21.2
If you have trouble with the AdFocus link, try this mirror.

 Download Previous Versions

v11.1 for Minecraft 1.10.2
v11.2 for Minecraft 1.19
v11.3 for Minecraft 1.20
v11.4.1 for Minecraft 1.21

Some command blocks will not work on versions between 1.11-1.12.2. Broville does not load on versions earlier than 1.10.2.

Version Changelog

Broville v11.4.2 Changelog, October 22nd 2024

Special thanks to BlazingOne for additional fixes and for reparing the oldshoes.ca webhost, and of course to Xeraction for other fixes and compiling the zip download.

*Fixed some golf balls being sentient
*Updated maps to be compatible with 1.21
*Fixed creating new maps
*Re-added guardians to the Oriental Casino
*Fixed signs containing  on them
*Removed lava spilling into the void
*Replaced melted ice and un-flooded the immediate area

Broville v11.4 Changelog, July 23rd 2024

*Updated the map to 1.21
*Fixed many broken command blocks
*Fixed and reset some puzzles
*Placed some missing blocks
*Fixed Solar?????

Broville v11.3 Changelog, June 8th 2023

*Updated the map to 1.20
*Replaced all broken bed-couch-thingies
*Fixed the game crashing when generating new chunks
*Added missing particles to teleporter in the end

Broville v11.2 Changelog, July 10th 2022

Special thanks to Xeraction for bringing Broville into the future.

*Updated the map to 1.19

Broville v11.1 Changelog, December 8th 2016

Thanks for our anonymous and not so anonymous fans for reporting problems!
Special thanks to MelonKony for providing more in depth reports!

*Fixed outdated command blocks in the Natural History Museum
*Rewrote broken sign in FSHAirways Office containing “#”
*Fixed Old Town Station signs saying “Broville Bluffs”
*Repaired dinner room floor in Canopy Corp Mansion
*Fixed various street name signs
*Removed forgotten pre-release signs from several locations.
*Improved the road map and added a new district map in the Maps Folder
*Added Herobrine

A Sandbox and Exploration Based Minecraft City Map

Broville is a fully detailed city and continent custom-built in Minecraft. From 2012-2016, over 60 people contributed in creating this immersive and detailed world to explore, build and destroy as you see fit!

The city and landscape is primarily a blend of “west coast of North America” features and buildings, though many areas have influences from across the real world.

Our philosophy from day one was to create a truly “Minecraft” city. A place for people to fully immerse themselves in and provide a sense of adventure and wonder.

— Oldshoes

800+ Unique Buildings

Visit fully detailed houses, shops, offices, restaurants, hotels, clubs, industries, casinos, schools & more.

Hidden Secrets

There is something around every corner. Discover ancient lost ruins, mega complexes, mad laboratories & other mysteries.

100% "Hand Made"

Every building and interior in Broville was painstakingly created one by one. No scripts, no copy and pasting.

Custom Created Terrain

Explore snow capped mountains, towering mesa canyons, dense jungles, wind-swept plains, burning deserts & other custom biomes.

Redstone Wizardry

Complex redstone and command block programming create interesting and exciting scenarios to challenge and test adventurers.

Collectible Items

Find hundreds of unique items and equipment with their own attributes and flavour text. Many with powerful abilities.

Full Builder Credits

Addelburgh, AshleyFox118 aka DarkFox118, Bacu, Baron_Samedi, bickerteeth, Bobson_, bobwoco, castlemike, ChipUK, combatmedic, Czakima, Descole_, Ditherliss, Dizigma, DMAN1030, DocTrev, Dresden260, Drewpeesax, Envaris123, FalconRed, Fish_XCV, Foomonchoo, GamingHost, Gargladdy, Goboguy, Golonka, HapsyColour, Herobrine, IndianaWillB, Intruder, jrodsqod, KajTaotsu, kawaii342, khoraker, Konegido, LukasMaps, mastersteviekun, megatrontehcube, Mentalgen, metalus, Mofman, mokrithorr, Molybdenim, moneybob, Nadaz, nrub, Oldshoes, OwenLudwig, peacebr8ker, pheonix74, PratTz, QuantumEcho, resir014, sburc009, South_Paw, Tarkis, Terre1620, thebkbroyler, Thoth17, ultra_dank, Vayeate_OZ, vdetommaso, WorldShaper_, yumstheman, Z31, and anyone else I missed (sorry!)

The Oldshoes Extended Universe

I pursue other creative endeavours outside of Minecraft. Have a look!

Bryce 3D Art

A collection of conceptual, ethereal and weird “retro” style renders created in Byrce 7 3D.

Fractal Art

Infinitely recursive! Created in Apophysis 7x with some adjustments in Photoshop.

SimCity 4 Tutorials

Learn about how to make a nice place to live in SimCity. I’m no expert but have a tip or two!